Jeff and Heather ***

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Serving With:

MTW Global Muslim Ministries


Jeff grew up in Arizona as a child of the Covenant. God’s calling to cross-cultural ministry was confirmed through short-term mission trips in high school and a year of service with MTW in Chiba, Japan. Heather, from Atlanta, became a Christian through the witness of a friend in grade school. Jeff and Heather met at Covenant College where they were both involved in a ministry to inner-city children in Chattanooga. Jeff received his M.Div. at Covenant Seminary while serving as a youth pastor at a Korean-American church. Jeff was ordained in the PCA and served as an assistant pastor for five years at Heartland Community Church in Wichita, Kansas. In Wichita, he started an English as a second language outreach to Hispanics. The couple worked for two years with BEAMM in El Paso/Juarez. They have four children: Gracey, Betsy, Samuel, and Elijah.


Jeff and Heather are providing member care for those working with Muslims in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. They counsel workers and their families and help equip national partners with skills to care for those in their community. There has been some exciting fruit among churches throughout the region who are reaching out to refugee populations. Jeff and Heather are currently on a MTW/MNA task force to provide care to Afghan refugees. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Praise God for a large number of converts among Syrian and Persian refugees over the past two years. This growth is revitalizing the established churches reaching out in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe.
  • Pray that God would use this Afghan refugee crisis to bring many to Himself.
  • Pray for wisdom as we counsel and encourage workers and national partners who sometimes face danger from the Muslim populations around them. 


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